week was a crazy fast week!! so on wednesday we had the multi zone it gt
changed and it was super great i really do love president and his wife...
they are jsut fantastic!! and they sang to me on my bday!!! and then on
thursday i went on splits and i interviewed 3 klids and talked with a aunt
about the kids and we ended up waiting a little time but hopefully for this
week they will be getting baptized.... and then karla had her baptismal
interview friday in the morning and she totally pased and she asked me to
baptized her!!! what a bday gift... hahaha it was great, but the sad thing was
wsa that there was more missionaries at her baptism then there was members....
haha but that was super good and next week she is going to be going to the
temple.. i went to the offices today and still no package but the Elder was
going to go to pick up some packages around 2 but he couldnt so he is going to
tomorrow morning and he is gonna call me to let me know if one of them is
mine... I HOPE SOOOOO ha
week.. welp tomorrow im gonna be working with the asistants after the district
meeting we are going to go to the are of casa blanca! and then come back
and we are still woking with Raul we want him to get baptized on friday but he
is still un sure... so if you could send pryares his way... haha and then
friday i am going to be doing 4 interviews.... for baptism... i wont lie i love
to do interviews.!! its great but afterwards i am just drained!! haha but its
great!! soooo its gonna be another somewhat busy week trying to get Raul to be
baptized this week and doing splits with the asistants and doing more
interviews and hopefully getting a package... lve you all keep up the good work
jax!!! i hope i can see ya play when i get back!! keep working hard!! say your
prayers each night and do your part so that your hip heels good!! :) love you
guys! Elder Weaver
Wow what a very busy busy
week! So happy that the work is moving forward and it sounds like its moving
faster each week! Just think for a minute how things were when you first got to
this area and the difference now, what a blessing you are to those people and
they have been to you, learning so much and seeing your hard work pay off! Tell
me names so I can add to temple prayer roll, Raul of course! And did you get to
have dinner with the villanuevas? Fingers crossed about package!!Tomorrow
sounds so fun with the assistants and ill have to look up the area of casa
blanca… white house? Haha! Jax is just leaving for practice so great time
for the words of encouragement…How are you? You sound very happy…get to rest
today and do something fun?
we ate dinner with them we ate spegetti and salad and frech bread!! i hope that
its my package! haha jax iss a beast he looks like he just tares things up on
the field in the pics that you sent.. haha yes im happy!! !i am using the time
left...50 days as a motivater to keep working hard,.. haha today we went to the
ofices to get supplkies for the Zone.. went and got food and washed my Gs...
thats it.. haha hey just wnated you to know that i am kind of worried abpout
you guys when you come... as in the food..... the food is very strong..
Yum I bet it was good,
don’t worry about us and food, we will bring along some pepto and tums and say
prayers over it �:;0 haha! He does a great job and I wish that he had the confidence to go with it,
some one yelling for him like you did, haha! Can you believe we will see you next month…so so excited! I am
glad to hear that you are staying motivated and continue to work hard! Leave
you mark on the work!!! Still a very busy day for you today, have power and
water, so funny that I have to ask week to week…. Having fhe tonight?
you might need something stronger for your stomachs... haha ummm ill be there
yelling for sure i have missed the ability to yell... but i wanna yell....
haha;) and yes we have power and agua.. no FHE.. we might go help and give
service... maybe..Ok, we will look into
something, do you think it is stronger than Veracruz and Villahermosa? What
foods are you thinking will be different and we can start trying to adjust
now-haha! So glad you have power and water! Getting good food? Yelling is good,
lets out so many feelings!!! Service is a good idea, if you have the time, your
city seems pretty self suffiecient compared to others you have been in, are you
still attending two wards? Liking one more than the other? Which one will we
attend with you? Or do we get to go to both?
we are in 2 wards.. we are in church from 8 to 4... haha it gets to be long
sometimes.... hahaha im just not sure.... the other day we ate cow stomach..
its called Mondungo.... and wow... it was sooo hard to eat.. smelled like poop....
not being mean... and we ate it in a soup.. it was sooo hard.. my comp couldnt
finsh... hahah but idk.... about the food.... haha
Hmmmm, yea I’m not going to
practice eating that, and I will pray so hard that we wont come acrossed
it, yikes…. Do very many members know we are coming? How many other
elders are going home same time as you? Are the pres and Hermana madsen having
a devotional for you still?
a few know that you guys are coming actually.... hahaha yes they are still
gonna have a devotional dinner and its me and 4 other elders and 2
sisters.. Wow that is a big group
leaving, I have noticed a lot of new missionaries to your area on fb with pres,
so great that the work is moving so well in that area now, are protests still
going on, we haven’t heard anything for sometime and kinda figured they are
over? Are you staying dry lately? Get to see pres Villanueva soon?
last 2 days it was raining but today has been clear... haha i dont know when
ill seen pres villanueava again why!=?
Just wondered, seems
like such a great guy and responded to dads text and said he was happy you are
there! Hope we get to meet him and his family We are making reservations this
week, please give me your home address where you live right now…
live in the Colony Ixcotel calle 16 de septiembre en la residencial doña Soila
number 9 its somwhat by the baseball stadium..
Great we will look it
up! Love you tons, be happy and prayers are with Raul, big smiles and lots of
hugs!!! Enjoy every moment
Love always mom and dad
love you guys! have a
good week! Elder Weaver
Karla got baptized! and almost the whole zone came with investigators_______________
and what was dad thinking about me playing ball...? where?
This is your father I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO PLAY BALL ANY WHERE !!!!!!!!!!I just love to watch my son be awesome at what ever they do :))))))
thanks dad! :) love ya___________________
Dad and ball, just wait
till you get home to work things out about school and ball, see how you feel
and what direction you want to take your education and career…he likes to make
comments and it has been hard for him to not see jacer continue but things
still move forward and life is good! 😊 not to worry or stress about that now
to be honest i dont write her... unless its like once every 2 months.. haha but
ill start to think more about ball and a career... i have been thinking abnd
readmg my blessing... but ya..Hey mom love ya thanks for chatting with
me!! you ar the best i love you guys hope you have a great week!! !talk with ya
nect week!! :) Elder Weaver
ou too!! have a good week! love ya Elder Weaver
is Raul... the one that we want to baptize this week his bday is the 30th or
August.. so they cgot us a cake..
What great, great pictures,
love the big smiles!! She looks so pretty in white! And so nice that they got a
cake, what a great bday, one that you will never forget!! Excited for Raul!!
How are things with comp? love that you love the madsens, some missionaries are
so happy with mission pres and I cant imagine how hard that would be, so
grateful for them and that they love you and care for you…tell me about the
conference, was it all classes, and teaching, what did you learn?
are good with comp..._______-...
haha but im good the conference was super good we were all together and sister
madsen taught us a little and then president and we could make comments and
things like that and i told us story about the buddist white guys and made some
other comments!! it was super good... its really funny cuz pres gives me sooo
much crap about the UTEs... i mean just for beeing a UTES FAN.. haha
So I will have to bring him
a Utah shirt, what size would you say he is? So funny…speaking of which we went
to our first home game with our own season tickets 😊
they blew out SUU so not really a game but wear red all week because this
weekend is the holy war, at the U, byu has new coaches and staff and they had a
big win against Arizona this weekend…makes me a little nervous…haha! Should be
an exciting game!Is raul a single guy and how many times will you meet with him
this week for the baptism to happen this weekend?
he is a single man he is 17 just turned 17... and we are going to try and see
him like maybe 2 this week before his baptizm if we get him baptized... haha he
might be a a XL.. just because he is soooo tall... ha were is the Holy War
gonna be at?
So he is jax age, almost
exactly, what a great thing to have a Spanish little bro in the field, the holy
war will be at Utah, so glad, it is part of our season tickets, Do you get much
physical activity besides walking anymore, for a while you were playing bball?
Have you heard anything about past members from other areas and how they are
doing like Jose, or Pedro, who had the leg accident? and the boys (little boys
you baptized)? Any more about transfers coming up, think youll get a new one?
i havent been able to do much exercise.. haha because we are reporting late in
the night and in the morning its hard... haha to work out.. i still get on time
and everythign... but ya..ha and 2 sundays ago a family from my first area came
to my ward and they saw m,e and they were shocked at how well i was talking..
because when i was there i couldnt talk anbything.... haha but i heard that
Pedro is working and goes to church every once and a while.. and the kids are
doing good..
You still look great, for
not get to exercise, I’m jealous! And how great that you get kind of a progress
report about your language, what a great compliment on your hard work with
learning the gospel in a language and how funning that they came to your ward,
there are no coincidences in the gospel…._______________!How
is the Martinez family? You had me put their names in the temple a month ago
and haven’t said much about since…So what is casa blanca? Is it far?
just wrote him.... :) and casa blanca is somewhat close to the temple... kind
of... haha but they are doing good they are maiking things work.... but they
are going to be changing wards in like november....
So will you get to go to
the temple with Karla? Will she get her endowments already or do baptisms for
the dead…I think it is great that so many elsers showed up but I agree she
needs the wards support too for her baptism…I will add Martinez family to the
list again, I have a ponderize…2 Nephi 32:3 do you have one?
gonna ask to see if we can go to the temple with her.. and she is only gonna do
baptizms for the dead.. she has to wait a yr to get her endowments out..and my
ponderize is moroni 7 verse 5
Great scripture!! You are
good! �:):): feelings about transfer
and new comp?
the interviews i asked pres. and i am pretty sure that ill stay with Eler
Ringle until i end... haha
Hmm well there must be a
purpose for his plan and keep chin up and work hard, till the end, like you are
and blessings will come, of love and patience �
So happy that you sound
so happy!!! Love Mondays to hear how things are in your part of the world,
during the week I think of so many things to tell you and ask and then I
forget, I really should keep a list-haha, but I love hearing about your
experience and seeing how you are growing and your testimony is so great of the
work and the people you are serving I am so very proud of you! Do you have
goals for the next 50 days?
haha i am happy to hear your testimony aswell!! thanks! haha and i have the
goal not to die.. like im not gonna stop being obedient..
Great goal to have your whole life even, all of us should, and what a blessing to know that if we slip we can repent
I love you too and hope that you have a very fantastic week
ahead of you full of blessings and safety, please follow the promptings and be
well, tell comp to be happy! Fingers crossed you get your package and treasure
Mondays soooo much-God bless you justeroo, be happy and smell the flowres,
Love mom
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