Monday, October 26, 2015

hasta el proximal Semana :) Con Amor Elder Weaver

Presidente, this week was a little rough.. we have been dealing with trying to get my visa papers sent to the offices and the pictures as well, and for some reason the sun was just a little bit hotter then normal... haha we had a good week working what we could. the work is Morro is very hard because we dont have much support from the members.. but we are going to focus right now if reactiavating the members before we worry about inv, in morro.. the work here in linda vista is good we still have the 5 fechas set for the 14 of november. and yesterday we had the ward conferene and the inv, were participating in the classes and its truly amazing to see the change that they have in their home.. the spirit, the feeling... the happiness... im greatful that i have the chance to see that as a missionary.. im excited for this next week and the miracles that are going to happen! have a good week!

Hello my skinny skinny friend how was life for you last week wet? Still liking the new comp are you still molding him into a Justin clone a super missionary that can carry hundreds of Books of Mormon at once :) and faster than a Mexican taxi :) hope thing are super great for you and the comp we are still praying for you and think about you often. I hope your loving serving and still growing and learning.
   Things here are good work is good, I know mom told you about bro Jensen but she forgot to tell you about M Shupe, Leslie father in law passed away also kind of out of the blue very sad he was such a nice man always asked about you boys and liked you all, so maybe keep the Shupe family in your prayers if you have a little extra time Sidney go to the MTC on wed so they have a lot on their plate the next couple days
      I hope you know how PROUD of you I am, and love you . please be safe smart and be happy  love every minute  good and bad you learn from both:)))                         Love dad

To be honest not that wet!! only rained one time and not very much!! yes we are still working good and crazy with the heat.. haha but i dont want him to be a justin clone...;) i want him to follow the example of Jesus Christ.. ;) haha ok ill keep them in my prayers.... thats super crazy that sydney is leaving!! ha shes going to CA?? right? DAD the pics that mom sent me, you are crazy sknny!!! you lost weight but why didnt you give it to me????? ];) haha  this week was good! we had a problem witha a inv on sunday.. he wanted us to go to his house to tke him to church in a taxi, becasue he is sick with a hurt leg..  but im not going to lie we didnt have money yesterday... so i called him and let him know that we can go to his house but we are going to the church walking... and he got super mad and sid that its my job to take people to the church and he started telling me what my purpose is... and i wont lie thats something that i feel like i have gottne better on... haha standing up for myself even with adults.. i told him im here to invite people to come to church.. im not a taxi driver... and he got mad and i still tried explaining him everything but ya no... haha didnt come to church so we are going t see what goes on this week.. 

I feel like i left at the worst time... m gonna get back and my favoritest old people arent going to be there...... haha at last he is out of his pain.. thats so crazy that Syd leaves this week!! is she going to the CCM? here in Mexico!!??? so i think this week or the next im going to have to go back to the city.. to renew my Visa... i got a call from the sec and this week i have been filling out papers and getting pics taken for the visa and i sent it in mail, but i still havbe to go to take me thumb prints..

This week with spirirtall experiences was yesterday, we had ward conference and the  stake pres, talked about commandments and blessings... and he was teaching a class about tithing and fast offereings and he asked why does God give us commandments?? and our Inv shouted to reciece the blessings!! haha so it was super cool to me... it was also my thought with 1 nefi 17 3.. that God will nourish us.. i love that word Nourish.. dont know why but it really stands out to me.. and other times when i have taught commandmetns to inv, i talk about how God gives us Commandments to keep us safe... and help us live a better life.. but yesterday i feel ike my eyes were opened!! we have the commandments to literally nourish us with blessings. and then the stake President had me come up´and asked me who pays for my mission.. and i said my family and our ward family... and then he talked about how the blessings that can come from others and there sacrifices!! and it was a good day in church.. then we went home and i threw up twice and we stayed in the house.... haha but im better today! ;) haha  im very greatful for the things that i have learned.. i am greatful for my family.. Jax is somwhat huge.. haha  hope you you are happy mom!!! :)  love elder Weaver

Piedra Cuachi

This is mom, seems like you are on kinda late today, did you get to do something fun? How's the work and comp stuff going? 

we changed times.... saturday. its 5 o clock here.. :)

Hmm it's five o'clock here too we change on Sunday;) love you spiritual experience great and I'm sure there will still be fav old people around, me and dad for sure ;) haha!!! You have grown so much in your testimony and I love it, it brings great joy to me!!! We're are the pictures from, I know the sign says, but is it where you live or somewhere you visited? What the scoop for this week? Syd goes to the Provo MTC, she will we've in LA, Spanish speaking... 

Glad feeling better today, did you eat something bad? How have rats been? What's ponderize this week?

Piedra Cuachi is a colony in the mountains.. so far... haha and thats were the family of 5 live!!  this week nothing to exciting  going on, ohhhhh remember Hever y Karen????? i got a call on friday and they got married!!!!!!!!!!!! and this next saturday they are getting baptized!!!!!!!! ummm i feel better i think we ate bad tacos.... not sure, we killed another rat satudday morning at 1 in the morning.. what scrip wanna do?? to ponderize!!?

Yea!!! So awesome, you planted seeds and get to see them grow!!! So exciting to hear that others have found happiness ;) I was thinking Mathew 5:16, and look for ways to put it into action ;) do you have a list for Christmas package, I'm hopeful your other one gets there soon!!! How are things with comp?

i know i hope that things go good for them and that in a yr i can go to there sealing!!!!!!!!! thta would be great!! i wont lie mom.... i dont know.. i feel like i have everything, i feel bad becasue i cant tell you that i need somthing.. haha sorry!! but whatever you want!! thigns are good with my comp.. he has a little struggle getting up on time but  i keep yelling Buenos Dias until he gets up... haha :) hey how is Jordan and jace witht eh girls!!?

Don't feel bad, means I can put treats in ;) jordan and Jace are both dating same girls, I wish they would put some urgency into moving forward in life, I think you may be married before either of them.... Haha! We like both girls a lot and they fit in with our family, just need to be patient I guess, don't want them to miss the boat tho if these are the ones ;) that's great you continue to be positive to wake comp up, it only takes 21 days to turn something into a habit ; ) Hahn in there 

and so is jax going to be playing at rice eccles stadium!!? or not yet..?
did grandpa steve and linda come all the way up from st george!!?

Yes, they came for farewell and are staying for the funeral and Leslie invited them to the MTC, don't think she knows it's curb drop off... Big surprise, I still think it was harder to leave you at the airport, so hard!!! Miss you so much but I know beyond a shadow of doubt you are where you need to be, you are growing in ways you could not at home and the experiences good and bad are priceless...know that I have put you in gods hands only because I know he lives and hears and answers prayers!!!! Love you so much and so very proud of the incredible servant of the lord you are!! You are a great example of our savior Jesus Christ!!! 
Did you say you have a calendar for next year? How about your journal, is it full ;)? 

the airport was super hard.. haha glad i wont have to do it again.. ;) i know that for a fact prayers are answered.. thanksfor having the trust in God mom, i wont lie.. dont think i had that much trust in God before the mission, but now... SIIII ;) my journall is acutally full!!! my second one! ha so ya a journal would be good! 

This week it's at hunter high in west valley, hope we beat them, we should statistically, they have lots of big pollys but are soft... Fingers crossed! It would be fun to have a few more games ;) he got a touchdown for you last week in sophs ;)

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :) i can feel the weaver Fever down here in mexico..;) haha keep it up buddy!! :)

Super, got the $2 bill, anything from home you think he might enjoy? I'll send ctr rings too and maybe something for little people you do homework with, how is Manuel?

ok sounds good!! to be honest, we might have to drop him.. his mom doesnt want to talk with us.. and we dont have permission to baptize him so we are losing time.. not sure what we will do.

Awe that breaks my heart!!! Hopefully someday because the seed is planted he will continue to have a desire to be Mormon and seek out the elders at the right time...what about kids you were teaching English to? Doing again tonight?

tonight we have a FHE with a family thts really struggling..

Do you have to stay inside for day of the dead celebrations? I bought a few of the skulls, tried to put an eternal life celebration spin on it...doesn't really work tho, they would be perfect bodies;) haha!!! Do they do Halloween and dia de muerto? Take some pictures ;)

they do alittle bit of halloween.. but the day of the dead is crazy.. ill take pics :)
MOM, thatnks so much! AGAIN AND AGAIN Y OTRA VEZ por me escriba!! :) thanks so much mom!! ill talk with you next week and ill try and take more pics! know that im in the lords hands and that im happy and healthy! :) you guys have a safe week with work! Jax have a great fun time this week in ball!!! how great is that! :) have fun buddy! Jace and Jordan!!!! :) i have a scripture for you..... ;) for the Piña :) Rut 1 verse 16.. i like how in the last conference Elder Hales talked about how we wont marry perfection but we will marry Potential.. love you guys! Dad keep having Fun on the mini X! and momhave a fantastic week helping that hernama get on track to the temple.. :) 
hasta el proximal Semana :) Con Amor Elder Weaver

Love you so much-always makes my day/week to chat with you, continue to be happy healthy and safe, God speed, treasure the oaxacan brothers and sisters.... Lots of hugs smiles sent your way-love mom
We will pray right now that things go well, love you justeroo!!! Take good care of you, know that your in my heart! Love mom xoxos be super! Love dad

love you guys! have a good week! :)
have a great week!! :)

Friday, October 23, 2015


Mexico Oaxaca Mission
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca
Dear, Weaver Family:
Through this letter we inform you that your son, Elder Weaver has been called to serve as a Trainer in the México Oaxaca Mission. He’ll have a deep and lasting influence in the development of the attitudes, habits and capabilities of his companion. The instructions the new missionary receives from him will strengthen him during his mission and I trust that your son will be an example to him.
There are high expectations for your son in this new assignment. A Trainer must be an example in every aspect; for example, by helping his companion to understand and to live the missionary principles in a way that he helps many people to come unto Christ.
I’m sure that your son will inspire his companion by following the Lord and rising to the high standards and expectations that He expects from them as his representatives.
I congratulate you for having raised a responsible son and I thank you for sending us a missionary with great attributes. I ask you to continue praying for him so that he can fulfil his new assignment in a manner pleasing to the Lord. Your son has all of my confidence, love and support while he continues his progress as a servant of the Lord.
Warm Regards,
Presidente Lynn R. Madsen
Mexico Oaxaca Mission

Elder Aguero
Secretario de Misión
Misión Mexico Oaxaca
Oficina 951 514 2017
Cel. 951 109 8192

Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy Otoño!!!

Happy Otoño!!! ;) haha fall..  thanks so much for the prayers they are helping so much and me and my son are doing good!! he cane out for the right purposes!!! ha :) he is from mexico and his name is Brandon Perez! and hes a good kid!! he gets very nervous in the lessons and doesnt like to contact to much hes a little shy.. buttttt thats just how things are to start the mission.. haha he really is a good kid, his a only child in his family, and he also know portuguesse! we are going good witht the training! 


This week im gonna try and buy some cream to help the scare go away! thats so great that the big job is a  GOOOO :) GRINGO :) 
tell Braxton  HOLA and his Faimlliy!!! :) 

this week we a good one we have 5 baptism dates for the 14 of november.. and we are getting better little by little..  We have had alot of spiritual lessons and we had our mtgs for the new missionaries this week and saw President Madsen! and hes doing good told me that all he has now is scares..  this week we had a spiritual experience in alot of lessons but one that stands out to me is a hernama that is having troubles with her kids... she asked me what did your parents do?? when you started to get bigger and make dicisions for your self and was a little naughty sometimes.. and i was able to tellher that i have always known whats right and wrong, and that sometimes i was forced to do whats right, but then i learned that it was right.. and i almost started to cry..... but i kept my man together.. and said that i know that becsue of the things they taught me when i was younger has had some of the biggest impacts on my life.. and shewas in tears.. and it was a good time! we shared some scrips.. and im glad to be with my son.  and i thought that was great for my PONDERIZE!!! helman 5 12.. you guys helped me to have that firm foundation.. so that when when satan.. or the people tell that i cant talk spanish or tell my that its false and the church isnt true.. but ive got that foundation.. that you guys helped me to develope. so thanks for the love and patience:)  

This week we are going on divsions and the fat elder is coming here again with me and my son is going to another area tomoroow!! :) 
con amor elder Weaver

this is my child... mi hijo amado.. haha his name is Elder Perez, and he is from Puebla.. and hes actaully here to serve... how fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha hes been a good son so far!! im starting to feel of the love for a child... ;) 

we helped manuel with his HW... haha we are teaching him.. but we gotta teach his mom... more then anything but shes always woring or busy

Awesome homework, and so very grateful prayers have been answered  with a good comp, I love that you are both superman!!!! Wow, you have been very busy 5 baptisms in November, send me their names and I'll put in temple... Tell me about old is he and what is his family like? What is moms name I'll add her to temple list too how is lip healing? Sounds fun to be with Villegas again...was that his name?

umm its the family Figeroa Antonio!! they are great! and they are trying to make changes to come to church more and go to activities!! Manuel is ten yrs old and he is a great kid!! he told us that he wants to be mormon and we have only had 3 lessons with him.. idk his family! weve tried to get to know the mom but shes kind of super catholic. and wont come out, so i dont evenknow her name.. so we are going to keep tryingto get to know her and give service or someting... :) the Ponderize for this week is1 nefi 17 3..
in the next chirstmas packeg could you send a 2 dollar bill.. so i can give it to my kid... ????

Awesome, of course I'll send $2, I just tracked your Halloween/thanksgiving package and it says they are trying to deliver to mission home in next few days ;) anymore request for Christmas? 

So think about today and what happened a year ago-it was your farewell....look how much you have grown and how far you have increased in your faith!!!!  So awesome when you reflect back, tonight make a list of all of the many things you have accomplished and overcome, then at the bottom write I can do hard things ;) sooo proud of you???

I know I asked before but how is lip healing? No infection right.... 
Teaching fhe tonight, if so to who, how is Pedro?

ill keep trying to thinkof things you could send.. its super crazy how time has gone by.. and how hard its been.... but how happy ive been..  my lip iis all good not infected.. has scare tissue i can feel it with my tongue.. dont have Fhe but im teaching englsih with a kid to help with some HW... ha Pedro is doing bad... his leg is broken again.. they didnt work on it right.. he almost has  6 months that hes bus bound... 

I want to send package next Tuesday, a week from tomorrow so brain storm this week ;) so glad lip ok, ill send vitamin e tablets they help with internal scar tissue ;) so great you are an English teacher and art teacher, you do many things.... So sorry about Pedro leg, still coming to church? Grandpa loved your letter back, thanks for writing them, they still support you financially ;) as well as spiritually ;) 

Get to go to Moro this week? Where are you going with Villegas? Will you stay as a companionship or will your son go with someone else?

this past week Pedro couldnt go becasue his leg little hurts super bd!! ha adn tell them thanks again!! means alot! and made me look at things differently!! this week i think we are going!! this past week we didnt go becasue my comp is new and we jsut had alot of stuff going on! my son is goping with the comp of elder Villegas in his area.. we are going to split up for a day! 

;) have you offered Pedro a blessing? When thinking of things you need do you need garments or socks? Will you be with your son until Christmas? Still be in Salina Cruz? 

Are you happy and healthy?

ya i gave him one the other week! socks.. garments im still good!! ill be with him until the 5 of january! and here in Salina Cruz.. im happy and Healthy!! are you:)?????????????? 

So great-gives you time to really get the work going.... I am good, dad and I decided on a whim to do a 70 mile ride and we did it in pretty good time, hate to see rainy weather cause I'm really liking being on my bike ;) what's hardest thing to teach in your area? Lots of day of the dead preparations going on?

here its been kidn of rainy too... im gonna try and put some weight on... ive been trying to my whole mission... ;) ha umm not alot but they memebrs tell me what the people do and its kind of freaky... they are litereally worshipoping the dead.. ha but ya mom.. and dad, its time.. again.. thanks so much for chatting!! ill talk with you guys next weej and see what new things happen!! have a great week and know that im greatful for the firm foundation that i have and it all started with my loving caring parents. thanksso much have  good week with work!! jax keep balling hard!! :) 
Con Amor Elder Weavber ;) 

;) the weight will come, that was your dads response ;) we love you Justin so happy and excited for you and your son, treasure the time you have.... Hump day is around the corner ;) ponderize and we will too, love you be happy safe and super!!! Love from all of us, Jax will score and tackle for you this week!!! Love mom

love you guys have a good one!! :) Elder WEaver


hellllloooooo my young friend

how's the face this week? do you think that the pres. will let you grow a stach to cover the scar!!!! :))))) hope all is good with the lip and it is heeling well and I hope there is no scar on that pretty face of yours. it must have taken some real restraint on your end to not respond in a negative manner to your comps actions, and im proud of you for that. your growing into a great man and we can see it in your letters.
     ok now for this week how the new comp? can you mold him into a servant  that our Father in heaven needs him to be? if anybody can do it, it will be you that is a big response ability, but it also very fun you will see him grow the way we as earthy parents see are children grow and that is fun, just keep being that great example and love him, keep loving and serving the people in your mission for that is what are savior wants you to do. don't forget to enjoy and smile. can you believe it's almost one year. so so fast the next will be even fast so keep up the pace don't slow down make your half time adjustment and go out and win the mission.
     your still pretty. you don't look as bad as after the Weber game :))))) you have sure earned your scars. and your thoughts about our Savior and his scars was spot on.

side note Utes are ranked 3 and are 6-0 fun to watch. miss watching you
love you my friend remember to :)
Justin's DAD 

DAD, my son is great! hes come out for the right purpose, we have that fast pase in our step and we are working very hard, i honestly have felt that love for him!! haha i feel like he is my child, he was able to tell me some of his fears, and teaching is one of them. who would have thought.. he speaks spanish and is nervous to talk.. and im white.. and i jsut talk.. but its true everyone is different and ive already seen him make some good adjustments to get better! these 3 months will be good for the both of us! i love you dad thanks for hte love and support you have alwyas given to me!! since i was little up and untilthe very present of everyday! i love you tonsand hope all goes good for the new big job!!! i miss playing.. 

love Ross Weavers son :)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 10:26 AM,
Dear Elder Weaver,

As we received the photos in a text and heard the story of the rock throwing situation I thought how a young man, such as you companion, was willing to lay so many blessings on the ground and walk away from them.  As I saw my grandson be the other side of a situation I remembered that he was now placed in good company with two other precious servants of the Lord.  I recently had the blessing of teaching the story of Stephen in Acts 7 and how he was tried and persecuted before the wicked Jewish leaders  but they could not put him to death by stoning until he bore his testimony of seeing the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of the Father and how that testimony caused them to take off their coats and proceed to stone him.  As he was dying he caught the vision of what the Savior said while on the cross and then repeated it about his attackers.  The irony of the circumstance was that another (Paul) who would be converted and eventually be stoned was there holding their coats.  Paul had a very dramatic conversion and in an instant changed his life to become probably the greatest missionary ever.  Because of his testimony he was stoned and the story is found in Acts 14. 

Elder Weaver you are in good company and as you go on now we can only maintain the hope that something dramatic will happen to your companion that will bring light to his life and he might experience a mighty change that will cause him to increase in his love for others, his testimony and desire to step outside himself and know there is more to life than what he is experiencing.  He is on the verge of giving up so very much that will affect his life for the remainder of it.  Well enough of my preaching.  I just wanted you to know that you walk with at least two other great missionaries who experienced stoning and so you are deservingly in good company, keep up the good work!!!

What a blessing we have in knowing that the Lord has chosen 3 men to be special witnesses and serve as Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ.  To raise our hands to the square was a blessing and honor.  I, like you enjoyed conference and I wish it was every month as I get so very much out of it to encourage me to step up and be more.  May the Lord bless you and provide you with all you need, want and desire to accomplish the work you were sent there to do.  You are not only blessing the non-members but so many other members and missionaries with how you walk as an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ.  So very proud of you and we pray for you in a very special way each day.   

We Love you!!!

Grandma and Grandpa B

Grandma and Grandpa!! thank you so very much for your email.. gives me comfort...... gives me happiness.... and im so greatful that i had the chance to try and help that young missionary become better, but now hes gone, and i hope and pray for him that hell be able to get a little better everyday.. i loved the stories. sometimes the scriptures come to life without us even knowing it.. ha 

thanks so much for your love and support, i know that prayers are being answered everyday!! its incredible it really is incredible to see a family have a converssion and a knowledge of the gospel.. thanks so much for the support i love and miss you guys have the greatest week!!! 

con amor Elder Weaver


Sometimes there is real truth in simple things.(notice he put hell, instead of he'll) J


Gpa and Dad

Monday, October 12, 2015

Got Rocked!

hey mom not sure when im going to wrtie.. maybe today, maybe tomorrow, with my new comp.. thats brand new... hahaha im training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) haha talk with you later... maybe today or tomorrow. :) love ya guys! 


MOM!!!! so glad and happy that youu are all doing great!!! no worries jax!!!! keep your head up and keep working hard! dont worry. i dont  have much time today.. im still with the Zone Leaders we are in a trio right nnow until my kid comes out to the itsmo tomorrow in the afternoon at 3.. so im excited about that i had a very long week more than anything becasue i was in a little pain  in my face.. but im doing super good and im happy! that elder Hernandez left ad that im training a greeny!! haha elder Hndz went to the City... and my distritct is the same but i got a kid.. haha im super glad and proud you are all doing super good! i kind of had something happen this week that gave me a personal expericene with the PONDERIZE, how it talks about how we aer free to ACT.. haha and sometimes the actions of others can cause pain to others..  i just want you guys to think or guess what happened... ;) 

Did you get hit? Comp do it? Need stitches? Ok now?  Is new comp a gringo? Tell me about experience with ponderize...

i was asking a kid for a reference.. and we were sitting in the curb.. and my comp was throwing rocks to the other side and all of a sudden.. bamb.. he hucked a rock at me.. ha and cut it right open.. i should have gotton stickes to be honest.. if i was in america.. but the nerse from the mission told me just to use my butterfy bandages.. but i wasnt able to close it that much.. :( thiis is from today.. in the christmas package could you send a scare cream?? or somthing so its not as noticable.. ha

not sure if he is white, or mexican, dont know his name.. my Ponderize experience is with the rock and my face,,,. ha becaseu i thought about scares.. and how Christ has the scares that are perfect and becaseu he did everything williningly someday ill have the scare on my face removed, butive got to always choose the right.. ha 

Makes me furious!!! Of course I'll send cream! It actually looks pretty good, what did pres say? We haven't gotten your letters to pres lately, still writing him? So what do you know about comp? Having fun in trio? Plans for today? I'm wondering do you still have CD player, Christmas stocking, a calendar for next year? 

oh trust me i almost killed the little chubby.. haha he didnt say anything.... i have been writing him!! and ive sent them!!?? haha i dont know anything about my comp... to be honest.. nothing.. ya the trio is fun... but they are kind of serious.. haha i have no idea becaseu im in the area of the ZLs  i still have it! the CD player and im good witha calender! i dont know if he ddid it on purpose or not to be honest..  he told me it was a accident.  im glad im in the area!! and yes we went but i forgot to get a pic....  sorry..  

;) you are a strong person, and the better one for not retaliating :) proud of you!!! Like nephi when bound by his brothers, still had to live with them and not hurt them back ;) so where are you, what area? Staying in their place over night? Still have stocking? Need music? Who did you teach last week?

haha thanks! im staying in the Salina Cruz.. area, and ill be at the LZs house and sleeping in there aircondiotioned home!! i have stocking still and music! we talked with asunsion and her family, and theya re doing great! and they are reading and doing all their homework.. ;) and its crazy cool to see the changes in there atitudes and spirits! 

that's great, I will put her name in the temple again and her family, how old is she? nice enjoy the air conditioned home! get to eat good food too? was the kid you were with on the curb surprised that you got hit? did comp try and help when you were bleeding? bleed a lot....
she is about 30 yrs old..   and ya its good food!!! :) umm the kid actaully got up and started to punch and kick him.. haha bled a little bit..... lot...ish.. ha not much! didnt try and help.. thts just how he is.. just kept sarying sorry.. nothing else.. 

So, whats your ponderize for this week? think you will email again tomorrow?

no dont thinki so
this was my lovely comp the night before he threw the rock at my face, with the phone of a member.. watch music videos. 
we love your hair, you look great even with the swollen lip, hope that the comp realizes somewhere down the line he is waisting time....the lords bad, glad that you have tried to help him!

well..... my lovely mother... i love you all so much!! and i hope you all have a great week! ill write next week with my kid, and hopefully with a healed smile.. ha i guess you could say this week i got ¨rocked'... ;) haha but i love you guys im safe and im excited for this new week! have a good one nd be safe and know that im greatful for the love and support! :) 

So glad that it was not more serious, please enjoy your new comp have a great week full of miracles!!! coming up on hump day :) get to burn a shirt!  Love you so much, still good looking!!! all the guys send their love and dad says continue to dodge bullets :) or rocks!  Love you justeroo!!! love you mostest-treasure you more 
Helaman 5:12
love mom xoxox

.. Helaman 5 12 :) love you all have a great week!!!! be safe and thanks so much for chatting mom! talk with you next week! :) 

President, this week was a long one.. on wednesday we had to stay in the house because my companion threw a rock at my fce and it kind of cut it open... and so i called th doctor. and everything and she told me that i should not talk so that the cut can shut and heal correclty!! so that was kind of rough, but then thursday it was super swollen and it hurt very bad.. haha but im good now! im super greatful for this chance tht you have given me to train a new elder! im going to try and help this elder know and feel of the saviors love and we are going to help others feel the same love. thanks President, have a good week! im doing better with my lip! 

 Hiya Justin! This week we played skyview and we were losing 15-17 and the begging of the fourth quarter and then things went down hill and we lost 15-38 but I had a few tackles! This week we play north ridge! Haven't got my linces yet and I haven't gone on any dates yet because I can't drive ha ha but I can wait to date till after football! Be safe keep up the hard work
Love you

love ou buddy thanks for writing me!! dont have alot of time today.. but keep up the good work, alng with your head and beat up northridge!! :) love yu buddy! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Turtle Eggs and Conference

How was your week my friend. Life good for you and the comp. how did you like conference. I loved it it's amazing how so many talks can pertains to me  and hit so close to home. Isn't that crazy. I feel recharged for a for more months how about you? Jax is doing great  at football you would be so proud he works so hard just like you and Jace it so fun to watch I miss watching you play it was like watching an artist paint or dancer dance. You were so classy and talented, I'm sure you exactly the same way with serving the lord giving it all you have day in and day out, and just like football their is a time limit so take a breath  and enjoy every moment the good and the not so good love life we were made to have joy,I'm so proud of you and blessed to be your dad. You can do hard things, so put a grin on your face be happy and love every minute :)
                                      Love you super son
                                                           You earthy father

My week was good!! i learned alot and was able to learn alot for my inv. i loved the keep the gospel simple talk by president Utchdorf. there are so many people that make things so complicated... and really we jsut need to look at whats in front of us. im glkad that work is coming along!! ihope and pray that youll get those jobs!!! i i learned someting very important from you dad.. to be a gentleman.. ha to me its a huge blessign that its natural for me to just GO and help a lady pick up a bag or open a door for someone.. here its very hard to find someone with this charecteristic, so maybe im classy and talented but you are a classy talented gentlteman, thats always willing to be soft and gentle to help the older people but also to put your hand down and say punch him slap him, bite him.. ;) haha love you dad you can do hard things! keep being superman! Love elder Weaver

MOM!!! the conference was fantastic and i got to watch it in englsih and in a air condioned room! (count my many blessings.. ) i noticed that too.. he started to breathe hard and was leaning on the pulpit and seemed to be struggling there a bit.. i prayed last night that he would be able to be the prophet until i get home. :) but if not. the church is still true. like you said its veryhard to pick a favorite talk... but right now because this is a email to you, i really liked the mother talk by P. Holland.. he talked about how you bore us for the 9 months and you are still baring with me right now.. and somthing that i rreally liked in particaular was that mothers should bare testimonies often aswell.. and i thought about how you always tell me that you know the church is true, and the blessings that you have seen from following the commandments. i was just so greatful that a apstle was testifying of something that you are already doing. so... THANKS MOM. for baring with me. :) love you so much!  

This week on tuesday we went out to Morro, to me it looked like a little town from Footloose.. haha there is just a little casa de oracion out there.. and we were able to put two baptism dates with two little kids... but there parents are already members so it wont count for the missionaries..but they are cool kids. ones name is bejamin.. hes my favorite.. he is 7 and turns 8 in dec.. the 4th.. he came with us to show us around the town and he came with us to a little sotre to buy a treat.. and we raced.. it was fun.. on the dirt rode... me and him.. running.. in mexico.. im white.. hes 7.. it was good i made a new fri3end, :) Also i was able to eat some turtle eggs and fish.. dont know what kind of fish but it swims.. and the eggs are about the size of pingpong balls and just soft. they were ok.. not something that i would want to eat everyday.. i ate 5 that day! 

me and my comp are ok.... i feel like somthing is missing in my heart... or something is missing but idk what it is.. ill be honest i want a white comp.. i wanna talk english a little, and have the spirit with us.. jordan was right.. the farther we are away from the US the more apostacy there is.. and its honestly hard to get that same spirit that i felt at home.. but ya.. we are still going... i think i might have one more change with him.... 

nothing scary going on...... im safe... we left oneday and people were telling us that a guy had gotten shot in the night and to be cafeful.. and then saturday night the same thing... a lady in a tienda.. hey be careful and go home... just earlier a guy got shot up the rode.. haha but we are all good and safe! im happy... i gave a blessing to a old lady the other day that lost her sight in a eye and she has been declining in her health alot.. and i offered her a blessing if she wanted one.. and we gave her one, but then my comp like chews her out. and saying that if she wants a blessing she has to ask.. my comp is just very mean, prideful and blunt. not sure.. but ive been struggling to feel the spirit.. im happy glad you are all doing good!!! ill fast for you guys!" 



today we went to Piedra Cuachi two huge rocks. the members name is Diodoro

egg.. and conference.

Love the smile and hair, need to talk Jax into wearing his like that :) cold, long sleeves, did member take you, what is significant about the rocks?
So handsome!!! So dark!!! We're the eggs cooked?
ya cooked.
Do the have the turtles for pets? Feel ok after eating? Was fish good? Is Moro a very poor part?
its not that poor.. its more jsut kind of a desert.. not a lot of people.. 


just huge rocks.... nothuing else.

Hang in there, hopefully new comp is coming and your bucket will be filled with renewed excitement for the work-hope you can tell Hernandez hasta luego! Pedro put a pic of you and him at conference, love it!! How is he feeling? Good turn out to watch conference? You can make things the way you want, remember you are super!!! Thanks for the mom talk ;) so grateful I have had great women in my life too!!! How often will you visit Moro?

Pedro is doing good, during the conference he was asking hey, what do i have to do to be a prophet.. haha hes doing better, little by little with his leg. and i hopeso... every friday i think we are going to go to morro.. not for sure we are still getting use to the area over there, its about 45 min driving in taxi. 

The shootings make me more worried, I know you are in the lords hands, please continue to follow the spirit, and be safe!!! Did you get picture with Benjamin? Would love to see him ;) so will their dads baptize them? 

dont worry mom!!:) im good! :) ill take a pic with him this week! and maybe for one of them, the other dad, or the dad of benjemin left.. to the US. 

Hmm, did he come for work? Legally? Does that happen a lot?  How's apartment? Bishop family? Do the members in your area travel to temple often? See mission pres lately? 

ya that happens alot... the dad left.. but the bishop is doing good he has a huge!!!! dog named Drac and a littler dog named loba! and loba just had puppies.. they go to the temple every 3 months.. havent seen him at all..... and i can buy butter for the cookie dough.. :) but is it ok to sendfood???? 

I can send dry stuff... Any candy sound good? Skittles?


skittles and starbusrts..  thats our house from the outside, we live on top and the bishop on bottom.

The little lady you gave a blessing.... Way to follow the spirit!!! It's not wrong to offer the blessing especially if she doesn't have priesthood in her home, you were sent there to her for that reason ;) so proud of you and the worthy priesthood holder you are, you are full of charity and love, read that visiting teaching message to part to live those that have wronged us, love you comp to death ;) overly sweet and kind... ;) especially if with another transfer ;) what fVorite time this past week and scripture? 

haha thanks!! :) and will do! :) and i was thinking if we could put that thing that the apostle said into action.. the ponderizing... i was thinking if we could PONDERIZE the scrip, 2 nefi 2 26 and 27.. and then next week we can share what we learned about it,... haha sound good??????? my scrip this week is from amos 3:7 about how God with reveal his secrets to his profetas.. i learned by expereicen this weekeddn that they are men of God. and God has his church with his ordinaces and his covenants, with his profets.. For ALL of his Childrenn to listen and to obey to come unto Christ.

Wow, we are so spoiled at home, looks like a nicer place tho, is it big inside? Looks weather resistant ;)

its good! not as nice as my other house.. but its good! 

;) I know you are inspired, my visiting teacher came this morning and mentioned the same thing, to ponderize ;( I will put those scriptures on the fridge and we will all do it this week and get together about it in our letters Monday ;) your awesome!!! I've started listening to the scriptures again while I walk, I would like to get thru them again by the end of the year :) who are you teaching this week and about what?  

sounds great!!!!!! this week we are going to be working with jesus and Gema.. and look for more chosen people who are ready to come unto Christ!!! tonight we have a FHE with a less active lady that feels like she is loosing her testimony.. 

Mom thanks so much for chatting with me... to me its another testimony that the church is true and that Prsident Holland was right... that you are baring with me.. :) thanks so much, please no worries, im not scared, so you shouldnt be scared! im safe"! thanks for your testimony all the time, helps refreshin mine, love you dad"! i hope work all works out and you know that im greatful for your help, while i have been growing up, answering questions, telling me whats right and wrong, and your example. Jace and Jordan..... tienen que seguir mushiando con las mujeres que tienen.. ;) son muy bonitas :) Jax, keep the hard work going, i cant wait to come back in a yr and see you run track and then see your seniro yr of football!!! be safe and play smart. love you all have a fantastic week! 
Con Amor Elder Weaver

;) thanks so much for chatting with me, I feel like I benefit way more than you do from this hour together ;) please continue to be safe-ponderize :) we will to!! Give Benjamin a hello from all of us ;) live you so much Justin!!! Come what may and love it-make things what you wNt them to be!!! Lots of love from all of us!!! Love mom xoxos

love you guys have a great week!! con amor elder Weaver :)